At Maison Luxe, we are dedicated to offering you the most sought-after handbags and other Hermès items from all around the world.
We take great pride in meticulously sourcing and purchasing the highest quality, most reasonably priced sold-out, current, and past-season stock for our customers.
We prioritise offering handbags and other goods that are either box-fresh or exhibit only minimal signs of wear.
VIP Service
In addition to our online boutique, Maison Luxe offers a dedicated bespoke VIP Service. This service includes, but is not limited to, product sourcing and personal shopping. Whether you're searching for an outfit for a special occasion or in need of a holiday wardrobe revamp, rest assured that we'll assist you in finding the perfect items.
If you're seeking that elusive designer bag or a highly sought-after item that's currently out of stock, our VIP Service is here to make your fashion dreams a reality. Simply send us a message detailing your desired item, and our expert team will leverage their extensive network and industry knowledge to track it down for you.
Whether it's a limited edition piece or a timeless classic, we'll go above and beyond to secure it for you. Let us handle the hunt while you sit back, relax, and await the arrival of your desired fashion treasure.
handbag Rental (comming soon)
Embark on your circular fashion journey with Maison Luxe. We're committed to mitigating the environmental impact of the fashion industry by extending the lifespan of designer bags. Our goal is to help you reduce your carbon footprint and spending on luxury items. It's a smarter, circular approach to wardrobe planning, offering a more responsible and less wasteful way to enjoy variety and novelty.
Stay tuned for updates as we meticulously craft our rental platform to offer the epitome of luxury with our collection of Hermès bags.
At Maison Luxe, our process commences with a meticulous inspection of each item upon its arrival. Our dedicated team adheres to a rigorous protocol to authenticate and evaluate the condition of every piece.
Following the initial authentication process, our journey towards ensuring quality and authenticity continues with thorough research and verification.
We delve into the item's history, examining its provenance and any accompanying documentation to validate its origins.
Our commitment to authenticity extends beyond mere inspection; we strive to provide our clients with complete confidence in their purchases.
With Maison Luxe, you can rest assured that every item has undergone rigorous scrutiny to meet our stringent standards of quality and authenticity.